Sunday, July 15, 2007

Where, Oh Where, Have Our Bags Gone?

It was an interesting day.
We started early arriving at the airport 2 1/2 hours before our flight.
It was a madhouse!
There must have been a couple hundred travellers trying to check in for an international flight. Every Haitian in South Florida had an early morning flight to Port-au-Prince. And us. Soon they put up a security tape and lined up all the Haitian passengers behind it. Those travelling to other destinations- even Caribbean- were sent to the counter immediately, but PAP passengers were sent through a "special" line. And even with 5 trillion Haitians living in S. Florida- no one at the counter spoke a word of Kreyol. It was semi-controlled chaos. I'll bet we were asked at least 50 times if we were in the wrong line & what our destination was! Oh well, we made it through & the plane was on time!

But our bags didn't make it :-(

We don't know where they are- Miami said they went through, PAP said they never came & maybe they'd be on the 2 pm from Miami....Not!

I got adventuresome and packed in 5 lbs of frozen ground beef... can't wait to send the end result of that!! Pa bon!

Anyway, it's good to back. The kids are good and mostly healthy- just some pinkeye still making the rounds and some babies I need to check on.

Gotta go move beds & shovel out the dust before the team arrives!

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