Saturday, July 14, 2007

Are We There Yet?

NO! Of course not- would I be writing this if we were?? Actually, if we had a pedal plane we just might get there sooner!

Our flight to Port-au-Prince was delayed- the plane was late arriving in Jax, so we'd be about 30 minutes late taking off. OK, no big deal. We almost always have at least 1 delay (often a couple) so we plan for it. After boarding and starting out to the runway, we were stopped at a staging area. There was going to be another delay- short, unknown origin. Then 15 minutes later or so, an explanation given that due to storms in the west air traffic was being diverted down the east coast that would normally fly into Miami from other directions. We'd have to sit awhile and wait on clearance. To save time & keep us from being further delayed we would not go back to the gate & disembark! An hour later a thunderstorm swept through Jax! After the lightning & downpour was over, we finally were getting clearance to proceed, but OOPS- now the storms were on the east coast, we'd have to fly over the gulf and guess what- we'd used up too much fuel waiting on the runway!! Back to the terminal to refuel. OK, now we're ready to go again, but no, wait- how can it possibly be that we are again diverted to the staging area for another wait.

We plan for any possibility when travelling to Haiti, really we do! We've had all kinds of interesting things happen on the way to the mission- but not usually til we're out of the US! We pack extra everything, take snacks & drinking water. We even bring sandwiches. I ate mine around 12:30. About 3pm , I wished I had saved it. I could have auctioned it off and paid for my next flight!

While we were waiting, I called American Airlines to re-book the flight from Miami to PAP that we missed. They told me they could put us on a flight Monday at 3pm. WHAT?? Monday is 3 days from now!! Pa bon- not good. Our wonderful July mission team (most of whom have never been on an international mission trip... and NONE have been to Haiti) are scheduled to arrive at NOON on Monday! I pleaded with the nice AA employee. Wellll... we could drive to Ft. Lauderdale and take a Sunday am flight, is that better? YES, We'll take it!!

When we finally arrived in MIA, we went to claim our 6 50-70 lb bags that the nice AA lady said would be taken off the plane for us, but you guessed it... they did not stay in Miami! Hopefully, they'll still be waiting on us in PAP- if we ever get there. We went to the ticket counter and AA arranged everything for us from there on ... LOTS of vouchers & free meals & rides & hotel rooms. YAAY- and no fussing to get anything, either.

So, why was it that Satan was so Hell-bent on keeping that plane grounded?? Well, I don't know for sure, but I would guess it had something to do with the unique make-up of passengers. In addition to the 3 of us, we met another group of 6 from Palms Presbyterian going to Port-au-Prince to work at a mission school doing teacher training. There was also a group of 12 or so headed to Venezuela for a week of medical mission. We met some nice pharmacists from Sam's. Then there was the group who sat with us, about 5 or 6, who were going to Quito & San Lorenz doing witnessing, optometry & medical. Last year they said 77 were saved. Another girl was headed to Nicaragua for some ministry & surfing! Later, at the baggage claim we met a young lady who is working on her masters in education, who said she was looking for someplace to volunteer in the summer months!! We spent hours sitting on a plane with no answers, no food, & No Complaining from any of the passengers. They thought their mission would begin on their arrival at their destination... but I think God has already begun to work in us.

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