Monday, July 16, 2007

Is Haiti Ready?

Is Haiti ready for this team?? They are from Oceanway 1st- and full of Northside spunk, grit & energy!- (I can say that- I live in Marietta when I'm not in Haiti!!) We've had a great time planning & packing with them.

Here are some packing pictures.


Look at Sarah back there- she's always giggling at new groups.

Rusty says shes counting how many more Dad has suckered into a Haiti trip.

Here are David, Micah, and Jacob.

They're looking forward to preaching, singing & playing their guitars & SOCCER.

I hope they know that Brazil is the favorite team. They beat Argentina yesterday!!

Mama Cheryl is always trying to get somebody to listen to her instructions.

I'm sure these guys heard every word!

Well, if Haiti isn't ready for them- Do you at least think they are ready for Haiti??

Doubt it... but Rusty's gone to the airport to pick them up- So...

Here we come, Ready or Not!!

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