Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Shindler Dr. team arrived Saturday and have kept me so busy I haven't even had a chance to post. They re a great group and have already done (and seen) amazing things. We are blessed to have them here.

Sunday's worship was the year end program for the school and graduation of our 5th grade class. We had hundreds of proud parents, aunts, uncles & cousins in attendance. The children sang, recited poetry, danced, and performed skits. We were impressed with all they had accomplished this year.We took the graduates to th beach Sunday afternoon for a picnic- it was a blast and very refreshing for us.

We spent Monday morning preparing for medical clinic- gathering, sorting, labeling, transporting and setting up. Then Monday afternoon we began seeing patients. Everyone worked hard -and late- and we were able to care for over 30 families(most with 3 or 4 children) before we quit for the night. We had meetings Monday night to tweak or system, and began again Tues. am. Bob & Linda have worked long & hard and under their leadership we saw have seen 120 families. Each person has received care, kind words, a loving touch, and some education.

We've also had a crew painting the school and building cabinets... I told you they aren't letting me rest!! Here are some pictures- but there are lots more to come.

Sunday's service...

DaDa- I'm a little Teapot..

Wadeline sang and danced for us...

Our graduating class with their teacher...

14 graduates received Bibles & certificates...

"You give ME that baby" Ha!Ha! We've had fun with the children & babies...

Medical clinic registration...

Bob & his translator...
Florence (Emily) Nightingale...

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