Friday, June 8, 2007

Madame Michelle

Mme. Michelle is one of our very good employees. She has been sick for a long time. She has difficulty breathing and breaks out in a sweat with only a little exertion. When Dr. Mike examined her in Feb. he thought there is a good possibility she has congestive heart failure. She still tries to do her best, last month she even worked a double shift to make extra money for her family. She's too sick to work now. I have been making daily visits to check on her and offer whatever aid I can. She is only in her early 30's and has 6 children.

Meet Kenia...

She is the oldest daughter and is now in charge of household chores. She is a smart girl and is valedictorian of our 5th grade class. I snapped this photo of her cooking dinner in their little outdoor shed that serves as a kitchen. Dinner was masoko & faille (kind of like turnip roots & greens).

Kenia's Kitchen...

Here is older brother Keichner...

This is Midlande (sister Midline is not pictured)...

and Fedner at age 7 is the baby.

The St. Vilus family lives in this home made of mud-covered sticks. There are 2 rooms- 1 bed and a mat on the floor for sleeping, 1 table & 2 chairs, the rest of the small space is filled with a barrel for water, and a few personal belongings. Their home is smaller than most US bedrooms- maybe 8 X 16. There is almost no ventilation and stiflingly hot. Mme. Michelle lays on the mat just inside the doorway. She doesn't want her picture taken. She says she is "not pretty because she's almost dead- wait til she dies & she'll live again & be pretty." I give her medicine daily and pray with her. Will it be enough ? Will she survive this round of illness to once again care for her children? Only God knows- I do know she is one of His saints and she will live again and be beautiful- but I hope it doesn't come too soon.

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