Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Shindler Drive Team

This is David Garrett, staff member at
Jacksonville Baptist Association and this week I'm proud to be the leader of the mission team from my home church, Shindler Drive Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. We are having a great time painting the school, helping with the school's first graduation, holding a medical clinic, and helping in many more ways before the week is up.

The group has accomplished a lot already. We held the medical clinic on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the painting team will be through with their task sometime Thursday morning. But we all agree that God has us here for much more than just the task. All of us are realizing that the ultimate success of what we do here will come from the relationships we build with those we encounter.

We are able to spend a lot of time with Rusty and Cheryl, the children and the translators. God has shown us how blessed we are. The attitude of the Haitian people has helped us realize how materialistic we can be because they have such a contentment with so little.

We are looking forward to what God has for us in the last few days of our time here. We still have some clothes to sort, cribs and cabinets to build and a mountain to climb, as we head to Terra Noir, the mission church of Cabaret Baptist Church, established two miles up the mountain behind our compound here in Bercy.

Pray for us as we complete our week. Pray that we will bring home and put into practice the lessons that God is showing us.

Pray for Rusty and Cheryl as they work diligently to make a difference in the lives of these children. Pray for them to show God's wisdom as they face the multitude of decisions that come their way every day.

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