Friday, June 8, 2007

Showers Are Blessings!

sewer rats...

I wasn't able to post an update last night because we had rain clouds blocking the satellite. YAAAY! Prayers were answered. We had an hour or two of cooling showers just before bedtime- perfect. Slept like a baby. It's 8:30 am and 88F now.

Yesterday, Rusty, Richard & crew finished digging up & pumping out the septic tank. They also made a trip up to LaDigue & Barbancourt to help out with Troy's well pump problem. Troy gave Rusty & Micheline info on application to Food for the Poor. They also dropped off one of our employees and her 2 children at the Clinic at Saintard. I had given the children medicine on Wednesday, but her daughter was much worse overnight and Mme. Oje came to me crying fearfully and asking for help. The doctors changed the meds only a bit, I pray she'll respond soon.

I spent the day taking care of everything here, finished putting supplies away, training the new worker, meeting with Milliene (our senior teacher), and nursing sick children. There seems to be a lot of upper respiratory stuff going around- fever, cough, some vomitting, etc. I am told there is "epidemie" and since few can afford what little medical care is available- they come to us for help. I am not a Dr. or a nurse (and for a few minutes yesterday I had to find a corner for reflection & prayer). What I can offer is woefully inadequete and I am sometimes confused & overwhelmed. I just try to pray through it and do the best I can. Our employee Mme. Michelle is an example of how the poor health, lack of care and poverty are intertwined _ I'll post separately about making daily home visits to treat her.

Today will be a day of cleaning, organizing, preparing for team (arriving tomorrow-yaay!), more sick people I'm sure (one baby came before I even got up this am- and my wonderful helpers told them to come back), finishing the sewer & practicing for school program. Tonight we'll have some orphanage family time. Wish you were here!

Micheline is preparing some roses for the graduates to carry in the service.

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