Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Home in Haiti

Scenes Sarah photographed along the way to Port-au-Prince today....

God brought us safely to our home in Haiti once again... with no problems along the way. We were away a little longer than usual, but found everything in pretty good shape on arrival here.
Here are just some quick updates on what we're up to:
  • * Rusty, Micheline & crew had to make a trip into PAP today. Several months ago we had applied to CRS, an organization that gives aid with food to others who have feeding programs in Haiti. We had to go receive their response today. They did not award aid to us. "We regret to inform you...blah..blah...blah" We think it was because we aren't on an official list of orphanages because we are not accredited, and we are in a more remote area.

  • * Troy from Lifeline called and needs Rusty's advice on well pump issues. Troy has a contact at another aid agency that he believes is a little easier to gain approval through, so we'll start the application process again- maybe tomorrow. This would really stretch our donated funds. Everybody pray!

  • * Rusty also went to Haitian Bible (for Creole Bibles), Eco-gaz (LP), Caribbean Market(grocery store), Depot, and the gas station.

  • * I saw my first sick patient at 7 am. Today I treated 8 children for pink-eye, 2 for malaria, 1 pneumonia or congestive heart failure, and 5 for assorted fevers, cough and diarrhea.

  • * The school children are taking their final exams.

  • * I cooked 3 meals, including supper for 8.

  • * I met with Micheline & hired a new employee at breakfast.

  • * I began unpacking the 9 50 - 70 lb. duffle bags full of supplies.

  • * The weather here is tropical ! 78F at 7am and 97 this afternoon. Pray for cooling evening showers for our team next week.

I have to close before the generator shuts down for the night, but I wanted to let you know we are all OK, busy & blessed

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