Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wrapping It Up!

It's been a busy few days as we wrap up things in the US in preparation to return to Haiti. We have met with mission teams planning trips for Aug, Oct, and Nov; packed with the June/ Shindler Dr. Baptist team; done shopping, banking & made runs to Target, Wallyworld, and Walgreens; attended birthday parties and weddings; and tried to love on the grandkids as much as possible!

We had a great time packing with the team from Shindler Dr. and we're looking forward to spending time with them next week. They were all really nice and willing to work. They are planning a medical clinic & painting projects as well as helping with the end of the school year program and graduation, and celebrating in the baptism of the 3 girls who were saved last month! It will be a busy week for them, but we really appreciate the help!

We attended a wedding reception near downtown (not a great part of town for those unfamiliar with Jax) on Friday night and we still had our SUV loaded to the tippy top with Haiti supplies and medicine for the June trip. After a bit, an announcement was made that several cars had been broken into and to please check on your vehicle. YIKES! It made me sick to think of the possibility not only of losing the meds & money spent on them, but mostly of how many Haitians would have to go without treatment if anything should happen to those meds. Rusty ran down the street to check on the truck & sure enough the police were there. Six vehicles had their windows smashed and had been looted on either side of ours- but ours was untouched! What a wonderful, faithful, able God we serve! He is awesome and oh, how we love Him.

Please pray for His continued protection over us and the teams travelling this summer.

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