Thursday, June 7, 2007

Richard, too!

OOPs. I forgot to tell you what Richard was up to yesterday.
Well... our septic tank is overflowing. We have a ton of people living here- 30 -35 children; 35 employees; monthly teams of 10 -20 Americans- so a lot of "stuff" is going down the drain! The septic tank fills with sewage & sludge every 4-6 months or so, and has to be pumped. Richard has a crew of guys working and is overseeing that fun project. Now you know why I had put that out of my mind and didn't mention it! Actually, yesterday was mostly digging- the really fun stuff starts today.

Sarah is keeping busy with the kids. After her PAP adventure, she was in charge of playtime! Well, she did help Marie Joe, Nadege and the girls with deep cleaning their room, although they had done a really good job before we got here. Juna met me at the door soaking wet! When I asked her how that happened she took me to her room and proudly showed me that she had even scrubbed the floor- on her knees!

We had a cool morning- we even pulled up the sheet- it was 79F and 77% humidity at 6am- much more humid than typical-so we might sweat some today, but maybe rain later? Keep praying!
Well, it's 7:30 now, we've finished with breakfast, done our walk-thru downstairs, talked with the help, and roughed out a plan for the day... so I better get to it!

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