Thursday, November 9, 2006

Meci Anpil- much thanks!!

It seems they just arrived yesterday, it can't be that they're already gone! This was one great, hard-working, Jesus- loving, do-or-die group. They were short on complaining and long on teamwork and getting it done. ....and they did get it done! I can't believe how much was accomplished in such a short time.

They unpacked, sorted and put away supplies from all 21 duffel bags they brought with them! Yippeee to that! They sorted tennis shoes by size, made & hung window curtains, cut out and organized Bible story flannelgraph (the Whole Bible in felt ),Prepared a story for Sat nite, held a birthday party with balloons & cake/cupcakes, weighed, measured, and recorded stats on orphanage children, prepared a song for sun worship, sized & distributed uniforms & shoes to school children, painted a wall, built 3 benches/sofas, put up doors, built playground equipment, worked on sewer & water breaks, saw many sick patients, preached & worshipped at church and on the mountain.

Are you tired yet?? I am ;) but so very grateful that these friends were willing to put their lives & comfort aside to be Jesus hands & heart and share His love with the people in Bercy. This place will never be the same because they cared enough to come. Thanks Pastor Mitch & Mrs. Margaret, Nurse Gloria, David, Debbie, Audra, Mike, Lori, &Marty. Meci Anpil!

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