Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Baby Days

One Hundred Years From Now

One hundred years from now
It won't matter
What kind of car I drove
What kind of house I lived in
How much money I had in the bank
Nor what my clothes looked like
The world may be a little better
Because, I was important
In the life of a child.
~author unknown

We have been blessed with little ones!
We now have 14 children age 4 & under.

When the police brought our 2 newest additions a week ago, we couldn't squeeze them in our Baby room. It was already overflowing with 8 babies.
Four 4 year olds had already been moved out of the baby room.
It was time to move furniture!!
We opened a toddler room next to the baby room. The toddler room has 6 children.
4 toddler beds; 2 cribs; and 1 Nanny bunk
The baby room has 3 cribs, a pack-n-play, and a Nanny bunk.
We are also opening up a toddler playroom to give our little ones a safe place to play.

Any of you who have children know that babies need a lot of stuff! Can you or your group help us collect these needed baby items. We have designated September as Baby/Toddler month and will gather nursery supplies all month and then ship them to Haiti.

We need:

Infant Formula
Crib & Port-a-crib Sheets
Cloth diapers

Disposable diapers- size 4 & 5
Plastic pants
Training pants
Lightweight fleece blankets - twin & crib size
$ for shipping

We also have a baby registry set up at Target; WalMart; Babies-R-Us; and
Toys-R-Us to make it more convenient. Items can be purchased off of the registry either in-store or online. We are registered as JBA-Haiti (Last Name), and also as Cheryl Merritt.

Thank you for all you continue to do to provide for these little children who are "precious in His sight".

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