Sunday, August 26, 2007


Our 33rd wedding anniversary was last week. We were just babies! I don't recommend getting married at such a very young age for everyone, but it has worked for us- by the grace of God. We were together on our anniversary- but we didn't exactly celebrate or spend the day as we had hoped. We spent the day together at the doctor's office.

Rusty came down with an abdominal ailment shortly before we left Haiti that soon turned into fevers, chills, body aches & muscle cramps, vomiting... you get the idea. He would be up all night- on fire one minute & freezing & trembling the next, aching so bad he said his skin hurt to be touched. Classic Malaria symptoms.

He is slowly recovering. His fevers are almost all gone, no more chills or vomiting, but the ache & weakness remain. He woke up this morning with a rash and hives. He must be allergic to something- but we don't know if it's the large dose of chloroquine taken to treat malaria or the acid reducing medicine for his gut. Fortunately, he has finished the malaria treatment. He still has some tests & procedures scheduled this week to try to pinpoint his gut ache. He's about ready to go back to Haiti where there aren't any doctors.(not really! We were thankful to already be heading home & closer to doctors & hospitals when he got really bad.) He is concerned about not being able to work and help Justin with the jobs they had scheduled for Rusty to complete while we were stateside. We are praying for a quick, complete healing.
He better get well- he owes me an anniversary dinner!


Anonymous said...

My husband and I live in Haiti and work with the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. I was reading your blog today and saw that your husband has been really sick. We have lived in Haiti for 6 years now and I have had those same symptoms twice during that time. The muscle pain and rash sound a lot like Dinge Fever. It usually lasts from 3 to 7 days and ends in that big rash/hives. From what we understand it can't be treated you just have to live with it. Hopefully he will be better really soon! Congrats on 33 years of marriage! That is awesome. We would love to meet you all sometime. Are you in the Far West close to LaFonte? Best wishes in all you do.
Heather Owen

T and T Livesay said...

WHAT did I miss????? Did Rusty have Dengue? Oh my gosh. Does Troy know this? Thank goodness we did not crash at your house --- Dengue is TERRIBLE.

You guys have been married that long. Holy hannah. Very impressive.

Congrats and I bet you are Haiti bound again soon.


Cheryl said...

6 years in Haiti is a lifetime! I hope we can hold out that long! We think (the Dr, too) Rusty is recovering from Malaria rather than Dengue. The hives are apparently from the chloroquine.

We are outside Cabaret- about 20 miles north of PAP. It's great hearing from & meeting other missionaries. Thanks for your concern.Stop by & see us!

Yep- can you believe they let me get married when I was only 10 years old? Ha! Ha! Rusty's doing much better- just really tired.

You can crash at our place any time- we want to treat you to some good old southern hospitality! I knew as long as I had a couple of gallons of milk on hand you'd think I was Martha Stewart!!