Friday, July 6, 2007

The Things A Child In Haiti Needs

JBA Haiti currently consists of the Cabaret Baptist Children’s Home, Cabaret Baptist School, and the Cabaret Baptist Church, as well as ongoing skill training and community feeding programs.
JBA Haiti has grown to include a school, church and orphanage. We enlist monthly sponsors for the nearly 200 children in our school and orphanage.

Without JBA Haiti these children would not receive an education and most would suffer from hunger and malnutrition. For some of them, the meals they receive while at school are the only food they receive all day.

As a sponsor, your monthly gift of $50 per month, would help provide a child with books, school supplies, food, medical care and workers/teachers to meet their basic needs.

Sponsors are also encouraged to send care packages to their child. Some suggestions for gifts would be:

Clothes- shorts & t-shirts
Summer dresses for girls
Shoes- tennis, sandals, or dress
Small Durable toys i.e. cars & trucks, dolls, marbles, dominoes, watch, jewelry, flashlight & batteries, etc.
DO NOT SEND: Candy or food (except a small plastic jar of peanut butter), stuffed animals, used clothing, jeans, long pants or shirts, war related toys, liquids or breakable items.

Sponsors will receive the name, a photo and information about their child. Each sponsor also receives a monthly newsletter, called Haiti Happenings and e-mail updates.

A Sponsored Student with a bag of gifts.

Sponsorship payments can be made online or by check via postal mail. Please download our Sponsorship Form at and send it along with your check to the address below:

Jacksonville Baptist Association
2700 University Blvd. S.
Jacksonville, FL 32216-2557

Thank you for making a difference in the life of a child in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Your regular gifts will change the life of a child forever.

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