Tuesday, October 23, 2007


During the medical clinic a lady brought her 7 day old nephew in to be seen by our visiting team. The mother was at home & very ill. Because of this she was not able to feed the baby. At all. Ever. This baby was now 7 days old, never been fed, too weak to suck, and his skin was already breaking down.

Kim, Mike & Karen started working on him trying to get an I.V. started but his veins wouldn't support it. Then we sent for a razor to shave his head and they tried to get one in his scalp. They worked on him for a couple of hours, but had to stop because all the stress was causing his heart rate to drop to dangerous levels.

Somebody brought the mom in and she had to be told there was nothing more we could do for her baby. We told her we would take her to a clinic that has an inpatient unit (and sometimes US trained Drs.) and we would pray.

Miraculously, they were able to get an I.V. going in his foot. We paid for his care and also care & meds for his mom. We checked on them at the clinic every day. On the 3rd day he wasn't there- nurses said he had been released earlier that day. We were concerned if mom had his prescriptions filled- or was even feeding him. We didn't hear from her all day.

The next morning Micheline found them and had them come to see us. The baby was O.K. but had not been given any formula. Mom had prescriptions filled with money "Mr. Rusty" had given her, but she thought the "serum" from the pharmacy was food for the baby. Now we knew if we allowed the baby to go home- he would not receive the care required for his fragile state and he would die.... but we had already taken in one abandoned baby this week and this one had 2 parents & other family! These are the horrible choices that must be faced every day in Haiti. What should we do?

After much conferring & crying we 1st determined that he must be brought in every day to be checked. Then we decided we would provide formula, but give it 1 day at a time when he is brought in. (We were concerned if we just gave out formula, they might not come back, or that it might be given to another child if their hope for this one had been lost.) Finally, we decided that his mom should bring him each day and stay here with him so he can be watched and she can have help (& training) in caring for him. She agreed to bring him and to help out while she is here each day as payment for the assistance she is receiving.

She's all smiles & feeling much better after the good meds & treatment.

Meet Pierreson.

Thank you Mandarin Baptist- without your help there would not have been a free clinic in the village where this family could come and receive help. Without your love of the Lord fleshed out this baby would be dead, but now he has a chance.

If you would like to help Pierreson or other babies like him, we still need child sponsors, powdered infant formula, crib sheets, cloth diapers, large disposable diapers, & wipes. Any donations can be dropped of at the JBA office on University Blvd. or Crown Point Baptist on St. Augustine Rd.

Mesi Beaucoup!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Pierreson looks so much better than when we last saw him. We can tell in the after pics that his skin turgor and overall appearance is much better. He looks good, praise the Lord!! The village in Bercy is so blessed to have people like ya'll, Rusty and Cheryl. We have a great respect and appreciation for all your hard work. Caring for the orphanage kids and the school kids, 170+. Not to mention all the details of everyday life. We miss you and all the children. Tell Micheline, Nick, Marie Joe, Herby, Jonas, Herman, Pastor Nathan, Monique, all the other adults (sorry if we forgot anyone), and of course all the children we said hi! Give all the children hugs and kisses from us all!!!! We hope to see all of you again soon.
Love, Mike and Karen Smith
Mandarin Baptist Church
-not your new cyber stalkers :)

Anonymous said...

My name is Amanda and I'm a student at USF. I feel that in the past year God has been laying on my heart the health and care of children in Haiti, but wasn't sure what I could do or who was doing trips down there, so I've been praying everyday, not knowing really for whom I was praying. I found this website through the JBA's Haiti mission page and this baby is who I've been praying for along with the other children at the school and orphanage. I'm hoping to be going down there on one of JBA's upcoming trips. I just wanted to tell you that I continue praying for you and these children and this post has touched my heart in such a strong way that I know God is leading me in this direction. Thank you for posting the work that God is doing there.
~Amanda De Forest