Sunday, August 19, 2007

It Is Well...

Hurricane Dean (Kreyol- the "cee-clone") has passed to the south of the island and we have not had any problems from it at all. We have had a few sporadic showers and occasional gusty wind- nothing like hurricane or even tropical storm force. Yesterday was mostly overcast, extremely hot & muggy- even compared to what we're used to in Florida. This morning is much like a typical Florida rain day. It's cloudy out, the temp has dropped to 80's, it's a little windy & looks like rain. We'll take it!! I think people on the southern peninsula of Haiti may have felt the storm more, but it will be a day or 2 before we hear reports. Keep praying that the Lord continues to steer the hurricane away from people and it's strength is diminished. I hear the music at church now, so we'll be going over to raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving.
Psalm 116: 1-2
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live.

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