Wednesday, September 12, 2007

We are safe in Haiti. Our flight was delayed (what a surprise!) but all of our bags arrived with us! It was dusk when we left the airport, we made a couple of quick stops in town- one for gas & one for ice & bread- then headed north. It is not fun travelling on Route 1 after dark, as you can tell below, but we made it to the orphanage intact with the exception of a few fingernails that we chewed off.

Nick had warned us that there was a problem with the Delco (that's a generator to you blans) and it had not worked since yesterday. It was verrry dark when we arrived. We fished a flashlight out of our bag and I unloaded stuff & started opening everything up, while Rusty looked at the Delco. My husband is a GENIOUS! He had it running in less than 15 minutes. I think he has more to do on it in the daylight, but we have power.

When the lights came on I was very excited to see that Wilfrid had tiled the whole dining hall! It looks wonderful! It is so much brighter and looks fresh & clean. I'm sure it will be a lot easier to keep clean also. Much better for little ones than bare cement. Thank you Mrs. Billie.

Almost everyone is doing fine, a few needed some attention, but I suppose when you have this many they were doing pretty well. We have 4 children with pinkeye, 1 with an abscess sore on his thigh, 1 with a swollen eye (hard bump like a boil- & another one coming up on his ear too), and Marie Joe is sick (fever, vomiting, chills, sore throat, headache). I'm so thankful to have meds to treat these children that wonderful volunteers have purchased, collected, & donated. Thank you!

I'll post more details & pics soon, it's late and I have to run. Love you all!

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