Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Village pictures

These are photos we took as we visited some of our neighbors in the village with our Crown Point mission team.

Those giant hanging things in the tree are bundles of drying corn still in the husks all tied together. New to me.

Tim's Sunday school class sponsors this little girl. He brought a gift of food to her Mom.
and goodies for Mania, too.

This family is very active in our church. The little boy is Leonel Alexandre who is sponsored by folks at Crown Point.

We took a picture of Leonel with some of his family members in front of their home. This home is typical of those in our neighborhood- woven sticks covered in mud with a thatch or tin roof and a dirt floor. There may be 8 or 10 family members living in a small one room hut such as this.
It doesn't matter- Leonel doesn't know he's poor. He is loved! He is without a doubt the happiest, most smiley child I know.

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