Sunday, September 2, 2007

I've had several people ask me lately whether or not people are coming to know the Lord through the efforts of work done in and through the mission. I'm sorry if I haven't shared that most wonderful of all news with you. I forget sometimes what I have and have not published. I'll try and answer some of the questions like, " Who is being saved" and " How are people getting saved".

In Acts we read that "the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." I don't know if people are being saved daily- but we see people saved very often.
Sometimes it will be a child (or children) after listening to a Bible story and reminded of Jesus love for them.

Or maybe a child who we have been able to spend time with while transporting them to and from clinics and treating illnesses.

Sometimes it's an orphanage child I've spent hours with teaching sewing or helping me cook or reading with and she just shares her love of Jesus with you and announces she has asked Him into her heart. I have been able to rejoice with, pray with, give a Bible and document the day for some of these precious lambs.

It's a joy for me to see an older person give their heart to the Lord. As precious as the little ones are, this thrills me to the core and is especially sweet to see these little ladies give their hearts to Him.

When walking through the village, there is almost always somebody who responds to the message. Sometimes it's somebody we've known a long time, sometimes somebody we've never met before.

Sometimes there are several people in one home that are saved.

When groups are visiting and meeting physical needs, some are touched by their kindness and compassion. But the individuals on the team point them to Jesus instead and some respond.

Even when men come to do some construction project and are better at power tools than preaching, God often uses them and shows his Power drawing Haitian workmen to Himself.

So, who is getting saved - Those that he loves are being saved - old & young, infirm & strong, individually & in groups-and how are they being saved- in His time & through diverse ways & people as He sees fit!

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