Thursday, August 16, 2007

Good Morning Vietnam...I mean Bercy!

This was quite an eventful day!
Yesterday, when Pastor Don, Pastor Eddie, & Rusty went walking through the Habitat for Humanity housing project, they met the man who runs the local radio station. He invited them to come by and tour it early this morning. They did and were allowed to share the Gospel message over a broadcast that reaches from Archaie to Port-au-Prince!! It was a wonderful way to end the trip for these 2 pastors with such a heart and zeal for evangelism. I believe around 20 people accepted Jesus in the Habitat, and more than a half dozen in their walk through the village yesterday. They both shared the Good news about Jesus in a powerful message at the service last night, also.

After dropping them off at the airport this morning, we booked it (ha!ha!) over to Maison Henri Deschamps, the school book supply house. We arrived before 11 a.m. with our quote in hand that we got last week! We were going to make quick work of a big task. Not! We were the last ones to leave at 4:45 this afternoon (they close at 4). We tried to get some other needed school items after that- but of course everybody was heading home.

It was after dark when we got back to the orphanage and we were ready to just plop down after a busy day n Port- but as soon as we got inside someone was knocking on our door. It seems John Walker, who is usually very good at walking on his hands, had a little mishap and busted his lip wide open. It required a trip to see our friend Britt -who is leaving Haiti next week :-(
for a few little stitches. When we finished at Troy & Tara's and headed back down the mountain, we came to a place where there were a few candles in the road as if lighting the way to the house. I asked Nick about it and he told me they were having a service for Satan. I wanted to know why there were candles in the road- surely everyone already knew where the service was held- and he said they were to invite Satan in. He said something about it lasting for a day, or a few days or maybe even a year. I really didn't quite understand exactly what he meant, but I'm glad we are able- and quite a few of you have helped also- to tell people here that they can invite Jesus in, instead of Satan. And when Jesus comes in He never, ever leaves!

Did you know that those brown beetles that come to the lights at night have antennae that are branched like a TV antennae? Well, now that the generator has gone off, I have a swarm of them silhouetted on my laptop screen and they're beginning to cover me too, so I'm going to bed! Good Night!

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