Monday, July 2, 2007


Ethan had surgery to place tubes in his ears and remove his adenoids today. He did great with the surgery and is home now. He was whiney & hard to console this afternoon- We're praying for a good night (sleep for everyone), minimal pain, and a quick recovery. It's our hope that the surgery will reduce the # of infections, keep the fluid drained off, & improve Ethan's hearing & speech. His hearing already seemed better this afternoon!!
Ethan is my #3 grandchild- my daughter's oldest. He is a comedian & a wild man! He loves his Aunt Sarah, choo-choos, Diego, and playing outside. He has just learned to swim and thinks jumping off the dock is too cool.
This is Landon, Ethan's little brother. I have him for a couple of days while Ethan recuperates. Landon is "gwo - anpil gwo!" (Kreyol for Big- very big!) He is 6 months old & already weighs 22 lbs. Landon is the happiest, smiliest baby you'll ever see.
Laney is our little princess- oops, Mommy's princess- Nanny's Angel! She is the only girl, and our son's baby. Laney is as petite as Landon is big.
Don't let that fool you... She rules! She is not to be outdone. She is only 2 1/2, but soon to be the boss of the world! Whatever she sees the boys doing, she tries, after telling them the right way, of course. She had to start skiing early to keep up with mom, who swivels Cypress Gardens style, and has skiied professionally.
Reilly is Laney's big brother- and at 4 the oldest of all the grandkids. He is a thinker. He loves books, Thomas the train and pirates. He loves to collect things. You should see his Thomas collection! He likes to learn everything he can about something- he's not content with the simple answer (just like his Dad).
Reilly and Laney have been in Wisconsin visiting their Grandma. I haven't seen them in 4 weeks, and I miss them sooo much.
We have the best, most beautiful, smartest babies aound! We are blessed beyond measure!

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