Friday, June 22, 2007


Some of our little princesses have responded to the Lord's tugging at their heart recently and have prayed and accepted Jesus sacrifice and asked Him to come into their heart. What a wonderful privelege it is to lead a little one to the Lord!

We had a service of Baptism while our team was here to join with us in celebrating this most important event in these young lives.

Melina was the first of these young girls to be saved...

On the same night little Jenifer...

and Nadege asked Jesus to come into their heart.

Independent natured Charlene listened to the others and decided that she too wanted to be saved, so she prayed the sinner's prayer alone, telling me about it much later. She said young Mirloudes also wanted to be saved, so Charlene prayed with her as well! Mirloudes will be baptized a little later, after we've had a chance to counsel with her, because of her young age.

And finally Ismael, the little girl whose mom cut her with a butcher knife, had asked Pastor Gerce about salvation and was also baptized. She pops in and says "good night" everynight around dinner time. Sometimes she's invited to join us, other times not, but she still drops by like clock work. One night recently, she asked to stay for a while. She had gone somewhere her mother had told her not to go, and said she was afraid and that her mother was threatening her again. She hung around for a few hours and then went on her way, satisfied that she was welcome here no matter what and had a safe place to go. It felt good to be able to comfort her, but even better to know that she has an even better Protector and a Place prepared for her in heaven!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are enjoying the blog so much. Thank you for keeping us informed on what is going on. It is so nice to recognize some of the people. We both love the Haitian peole very much.