Saturday, December 30, 2006


Elitese Time
Elitese is one of the older girls in our school. She is sponsored by the wonderful group of ladies at St. Matthew's Baptist Church. They do an amazing job of providing for her and for the mission in general. She has been known to the mission for several years- we've watched her grow into the beautiful young woman she is today. Miss Billie tells us that even in his illness Brother Marcus would dream he was in Haiti building something, and she tells of how often he would be talking to Elitese, telling her to get her goats on out of the yard so he could get his building done. She was that much a part of his life. I've come to look forward to her sweet, shy smile as well. When she sees me she comes up beside me and slips her hand in mine and just enjoys being my shadow whatever I'm doing. Before Christmas Elitese was sick. She came to Rusty complaining of fever & headache. Thank God we have a few field tests for malaria and were able to diagnose & begin treatment right away. She was given Chloroquine and responded very quickly and felt better in a few days.
What a difference our sponsors make in the lives of these children.
Thank You!
You will never know this side of heaven how greatly you have been used to bless so many. These children are helped in very real, very tangible ways because you have answered His call to be on mission for Him. Food, clothing, medicine, shelter, education, and hearing about Jesus.
The necessities of life that we take for granted.

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