Thursday, June 19, 2008


Rochelle with Gibson

Our prayer for medical clinic is that God will use the doctors and nurses to help improve the lives of Haitians.

Yesterday in medical clinic, Dr. Mike was examining a family of 5 - Mom and 4 children. She held each child as they had their ears, nose and throat looked at. She gave little thought to the huge infectious sore on her right arm. Looking down at her arm while examining the baby she was holding, Dr. Mike asked her what happened to her arm. She just passed it off as being sore. He put gloves on and extracted MUCH infection. Melinda was called over to dress the wound.

Untreated the arm would have probably gotten worse. Common everyday things that I have sitting in my bathroom cabinet like: antiseptic wash, triple antibiotic ointment and a bandaid - helped improve the day to day life of this sweet Haitian woman. May we always remember that even the "little" things make a difference.

Starvation is no stranger to the people of Haiti. This little boy is about 8 years old and he has not been being fed. He has 6 older brothers and sisters who are given food. Please pray for Gibson's situation to improve. He spent the day at the orphanage and was given many opportunities to eat.

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