Friday, June 13, 2008


Adamise is one of my favorite people in the whole world.

She is always cheerful and quick to praise God for any small blessing or provision.

She comes to work early and never leaves until all the work is finished. And it is hard back-breaking work to wash clothes & linens for 40 children.

She is a wise mother, always offering an ear and a pinch of wisdom to whoever is in need of a mom's kind words or guidance.

She has 9 or 10 children of her own... and too many grands to count!! But she takes care of them all.

This morning I was elbow deep in work in the kitchen.... emptying all the drawers and washing every cup, glass, plate, bowl & piece of silverware we have... when Adamise came in to welcome me home. She always does. Hugs and cheek kisses and Mesi Jezi and How are the kids & grandkids and more Mesi Jezi and hugs!!!

Then... on her way out she grabbed my now full garbage can to go and empty for me. Not a word- just saw a need and out the door with it.

In a few minutes she came back with the empty can, walked over to the sink and without a word started washing dishes!!! She stayed with me for an hour til we had every one washed, dried and put away. Then more hugs and back downstairs to tackle the mounds of laundry.

She was up and down the stairs all morning working away until she finally called me aside to personally deliver my little stack of laundry. She makes sure she puts it directly in my hands herself, trusting no one else with this delivery as if it were something rare or precious.
What is precious is her sweet spirit, her sky- high work ethic, her devotion to me and all those she loves and respects. And her faith. In the face of difficulty.
I want to be her when I grow up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. She is wonderful! jt