Friday, February 29, 2008

Where does the joy come from?

I awoke the first morning with the word JOY on my mind.

I asked myself, "What is the source of joy for MY life?" Is it my salvation? my family? The fact that I am an American? The different "joys" that I experience daily in my life have many sources.

But today I am in Haiti.

I saw a smiling girl at the school and later learned that her mother died last week. She wears a black dress as a constant reminder of her loss, yet she smiles - she has joy. I see school children who are happy to be at school and not laboring away at a physically hard task.

I see hungry people - they still smile. In my American mind, I say "They have no reason to be joyful. They can't - they don't have the THINGS that I have."

All of the worship services have shown me something I have always known...

Christ's offer of salvation is reason enough to smile and be joyful daily.

We saw 4 men experience the JOY of the Lord through Believer's Baptism today and we met 5 more who accepted Christ last night.

In Haiti,
Christ is present and there is JOY.

Karin White - team member

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