Monday, September 24, 2007

Great Beginning

School is off to a great start.

Little ones are learning to their colors & numbers.

While returning students dive right in to more serious studies.

We started the year with almost 150 students in grades K4 - grade 5.

Each day begins with hymn singing and a patriotic flag raising assembly.

And the school, teachers, and students are covered in prayer.

Each day children are fed 2 nutritious meals. For many of them there would be no food if they were not in school.

These children are blessed to receive an education in a community where many can neither read nor write. Blessed to attend school in a country where most children cannot afford such a luxury.

Blessed by God... through all of you have hope. Hope in Jesus, hope their future will be better than their parents, hope that they might somehow survive to make a difference in their nation.

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