Thursday, September 13, 2007

Busy Day

The short version:

Began school pre-planning with teachers

Had teacher training classes on "Getting off to a good start"

Nursing duties-

medications to sick, pink-eyed & boil/abscess children

child stubbed toe and her toenail was left hanging- pulled it off & cleaned- owie!

This man had accident 1 month ago & lost his leg. He is supposed to go to hospital for dressing changes & therapy 3 times/week, but he can't afford it. I cleaned & re-dressed his leg, begged him to continue with Dr.

Unpacked 6 50 lb. duffel bags.

Problem solving with key employees.
Began preparing for team arriving Sat.

Talked with children who needed comfort, encouragement, and/or discipline.

Began sorting, labeling & organizing uniforms.

Rusty & Sarah also kept busy all day. Rusty directed employees, dealt with money matters, and did numerous repairs. Sarah helped with kids, helped with meals, and taught English class.

Must hurry up and go to bed, so we can hurry up &, get up & do it all again!


Anonymous said...

hey everybody, hope all is gooing good. Just wanted to let you know tht i lift you guys and gals up to God pretty regular. By the way ... how is "Yo-Nelson"?? how is his head?? give him a hug for me, don't know if he would remember me
well take care and God bless...George point bapt church.
how is the waether??? kis tim being good???,
my reg email is-
talk to you later...Ge

Cheryl said...

Hi George,
Thanks for the prayers... we can use all we can get!
Yonelson is doing great, all healed up.