Sunday, September 9, 2007

Barbershop, Banquet, & BUCKS!

Friday night we were honored to be invited to the annual board meeting and banquet for the Florida Baptist Financial Services. It was a fun evening complete with a great meal & the Big Orange Barbershop Chorus for dessert!

CEO Eddie McClelland gave a wonderful presentation and slide show featuring the JBA-Haiti mission. And then he gave us a whopping big check!! FBFS underwrote our expenses to run our first ever summer school program this year.

Through the summer school children received a noon meal and vitamin each day. Many of these children would have done without food most days if not for the generous gift of FBFS.

The summer school also allowed them to be taught Bible lessons and receive help with academics. The curriculum for the summer program was developed by a group of ladies at Crown Point Baptist.
In August, Eddie McClelland and Pastor Don Cooley were able to spend several days in Haiti and witness firsthand all that God is doing in the village of Bercy.

Thank You Florida Baptist Financial Services for feeding hungry tummies, minds & hearts of these precious Haitian children!

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