Sunday, August 12, 2007


This man who was injured over a week ago ina motorcycle accident has been coming in each day to be seen by Dr. Mike, Chris & Melinda. He has received kind words and tender care each day. We try to make sure everyone who comes to the medical clinic hears about the love of Jesus and knows that is why we are here. Elville heard about Jesus and started coming to church services. On Thursday night he prayed and asked Jesus to come into his heart. I guess God really does have to knock some people up side of the head to get their attention!

Sunday was a sweet time. After services little groups of people go out and pray with whoever is sick and not able to attend. This week the men went to Elville's home to congratulate & welcome him into the family of God and pray over him while the women went to see Marjorie who is sick. Marjorie was married a few months ago and recently found out she is expecting her first child. Most of her malady is morning sickness. I walked with the other ladies over to her house. The day was hot and the dirt road was bad and full of muddy holes, but there was laughter along the way. We arrived to find her lying on a pallet on the cement porch floor to escape the heat. After greeting her the ladies sang a hymn together, then we all prayed. Many voices praying their own prayers going up at the same time, thanking the Lord for this new life and asking His blessing & protection for mom & baby. Then sweet singing again, and we were ready to leave. Probably only 10 minutes total, but sweet, precious unity of believers and the Spirit. I never noticed the sweat and floated all the way home.

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